The club is closed today due to a private event. Thank you for understanding!

Zuzana Lapčíková Quintet

Zuzana Lapčíková Quintet

Saturday 14/12/2019 from 19:00

Cymbalo player and singer of Moravian Slovácko, Zuzana Lapčíková is currently one of the most outstanding personalities of Moravian folk music, now performing in a project with some of the best jazz musicians on the Czech scene.

Zuzana Lapčíková – voc, Cymbalo; Stanislav Mácha – p; Josef Fečo – db; Otto Hejnic – dr.

Admission: seating CZK 380, standing CZK 250. There is no need to reserve a seat when purchasing a seating ticket.

Band website:

folklore – jazz
On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.