Praha Žije Hudbou AFTERPARTY

Praha Žije Hudbou AFTERPARTY

Friday 13/05/2016 from 20:00

Prague Lives with Music Festival of busking Afterparty will take place at Jazz Dock.  You can look forward to jazz, swing and a proper portion of dance! There will perform bands an DJs this evening. Concrete programme see lower. Praha Žije Hudbou busking festival will take place in Prague on 12th and 13th May. There will perform many musical formations as well as importatnt mnames of Prague scene as: Prago Union, Lenka Dusilová, Laco Déczi, Xavier Baumaxa and others. The main aim of festival is to present busking to large public in good light and make everyday life nicer to all habitants. There will aalso perform theatre formations and circus performers.

9 pm  - Juicy Freak
10:10 pm - Hot Sisters 
11:30 pm - Top Dream Company 
01 am - 03:30 - DJ Ultrafino 

Entrance fee CZK 100 – standing only,

no club discounts. Thank you for understanding. 

Band website:

On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.