Prago Union & live band
Prago Union are working. They’re really making it, even though according to all the rules of the music industry, they probably shouldn’t even be making it at all. Their leader isn’t a pretty boy from a magazine, and becoming a “sex symbol” is probably something the “biting toothless poet” Kato will never achieve. Their hits aren’t played on the radio, and they won’t win over the suffering masses – programmers don’t boycott them, these two worlds simply don’t meet. Their music doesn’t belong there; it’s as far from “popular” as possible. They don’t have a hit, and watch out, they don’t even have a proper scandal. They have two Anděl Awards at home, and the critics worship them. In August 2024, Prago Union released their ninth studio album, "Zvukolod." Where did they come from, how did they come about, and how is all of this even possible? There must be something to these Prago Union guys. Come see them live.
Prago Union is a Prague-based hip-hop band that has been active for over twenty years. The frontman of Prago Union, Kato, aka Def aka Deph, has been active on the music scene since the late '90s, when he led the group Chaozz. Kato founded Prago Union in 2002 with DJ Skupla, and occasionally, Dědek appeared with them on the microphone, along with DJ Büphe as a second concert DJ. Currently, Kato performs with DJ Ramel and a live band consisting of Ondra Hauser (band leader and bass), Tony Dlapa (guitar), Jen Hovorka (keyboards), and Marek Urbánek (drums). Prago Union has released nine studio albums, five compilations of previously unreleased tracks, and one special live recording from a concert. The band has won two Anděl Awards for their work, specifically for the albums „Dezorient Express“ and „V Barvách“. Their most recent album, titled „Zvukolod“, was released in the summer of 2024.
Admission: standing only: CZK 650 CZK. No club discounts. Thank you for your understanding.
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