

Saturday 17/09/2022 from 19:00

The post-folklore cymbal trio from Brno will play an interesting fusion of folklore music with blues, rock, funk, R'n'B and other styles. The unique texture of Ponk’s music comes largely down to the sound of the cimbalom. Unlike traditional folk musicians, however, Ponk makes use of the instrument’s entire sonic and rhythmic potential, often producing sounds reminiscent of a strange new rock guitar. Likewise, the double bass has abandoned its traditional folk sound to follow new melodic, rhythmic and percussive paths. Ponk’s overall sound is complemented by an instantly recognizable “dirty” violin sound, with intentionally non-folk, rock phrasing. Add to this, distinctive lead-vocals layered over creatively constructed harmonies and you have a unique and distinctly post-folklore sound that breaks all boundaries of the genre. Death, disaster, murder and mayhem are the staple themes of folk ballads from the Appalachians to the Carpathians; Moravia, the easternmost region of the Czech Republic, has its share of tales of doom and gloom. Ponk takes these as the raw material for their explorations into the sonic possibilities of integrating their Moravian roots with a broad palette of modern influences within a traditional line-up of cimbalom, violin and double-bass.

Michal Krystýnek – vln, vcl; Eduard Tomaštík – cmb, vcl; Pavel Rajmic – b, vcl.

Admission: seating CZK 300, standing CZK 200. There is no need to reserve a seat when purchasing a seating ticket.


Band website: ponktrio.cz

post - folklor
On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.