Jakub Zomer Trio:Jazz Under The Roof

Jakub Zomer Trio
Jazz Under The Roof

Saturday 27/07/2024 from 16:00

Originally from Teplice, organist, pianist, singer and teacher Jakub Zomer has drawn attention to himself with his own projects Blues Bond or Ray Charles Tribute Orchestra, as well as as a sideman of guitarists Roman Pokorný and Libor Šmoldas in his Organ Trio. 

Jakub Zomer – org, Suzanne Higgins – sax; Daniel Šoltis – dr.

Admission - seating: presale CZK 250, at the door CZK 300. Standing CZK 150. No club discounts.

Due to the hot weather, the concert will take place inside the club.

Band website: jakubzomer.com

blues – soul – jazz
On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.