Ochepovsky (RU/CZ)

Ochepovsky (RU/CZ)

Friday 05/01/2018 from 22:00

I'm the Wind is a new work from the progressive composer and guitarist Igor Ochepovsky, who hails from Russia, but has been living and working in Prague for more than 6 years. His album features original songs on the border of Eastern and Western cultures which flirt with traditional musical themes while pushing the boundaries of jazz. Ochepovsky’s compositions are intertwined with rich strains of classical European techniques, all tied together with a modern groove.

Igor Ochepovsky – g; Jan Aleš – p, keys; Kristína Mihaľová – voc; Ondřej Hauser – b; Michal "Kolouch" Daněk – dr; Miroslav Hloucal – trp; Petr Kalfus – sax; Šimon Marek – vcl.

Admission: seating CZK 300, standing CZK 200.

10 % discount for both concerts.

Band website: www.ochepovsky.com

fusion - groove - contemporary
On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.