The club is closed today due to a private event. Thank you for understanding!

Noční Optika

Noční Optika

Tuesday 02/04/2019 from 19:00

“Night Sight” is an instrumental quintet of musicians whose starting point is part jazz, part classical, resulting in a sort of periphery or outskirt of the jazz mainstream—a place lit with flashes of resonance of the pulsing fevers of the metropolis, cooled with breezes from the somber surfaces of forest pools, coalescing in a neurotic meditation on a phlegmatic mad dash through an herbarium of half-forgotten animals.

Jakub Dvořáček – p, keys; Miroslav Nosek – g; Štěpán Zbytovský – fl, bcl; Jan Keller – vcl, b; Jan Dvořák – dr.

Admission seating CZK 250, standing CZK 150. Seats reservation is possible only if you buy a ticket. Thank you for understanding.

Band website:

original music & crossover
On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.