Schmieds Puls (AUT) + vítěz soutěže Jazz Fruit

Thursday 28/04/2016 from 20:00

The Austrian trio Schmieds Puls will be closing this year‘of Mladi Ladi Jazz festival. This progressive Viennese band is distinctive with mellow, although very characteristic voice of the lead guitarist and vocalist Mira Lu Kovacs. Accompained by a contrabasist Waltwer Singer and a drummer Christian Grobauer, Mira follows the contemporary music trends. The deeply emotional songs make mixture of world music, pop-jazz and grunge. The trio have already released their debut Play Dead and are currently working on a new album to be presented at the festival and released in Autumn. Schmieds Puls are among the most aspiring music talents of contemporary Austria scene and have been quoted as one of the most amazing music discoveries by Rádio Ö1 in 2013.

Whilst their first album Play Dead is mostly based on deep emotions and meditation, the upcoming one, called I care a little less about everything now emphasizes more on feelings of loss, apathy and desolation. Even though the new conpositions are multinstrumentally rich the artists aim not to involve in pathos and complexity too much. You can enjoy the music of Schieds Puls in Jazz Dock club where they will also perform their song Prague.

Admission up to years 26 presale CZK 175, at the door CZK 200. 

Over years 26 presale standing CZK 333, presale seating CZK 433. 

At the door one price CZK 400.  No club discounts.

On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.