Mladí Ladí Jazz
Max Vandervorst (BE)
+ support Fanfán Tulipán

Wednesday 26/04/2017 from 20:00

Fanfán Tulipán

You don’t have to only play music, you can also play with the music. A so called kinder-jazz, a mixture of creative originality, dynamic jazz and musical friskiness makes Fanfán Tulipán the one and only of its kind on the Czech jazz scene. Nowhere else could you hear Hammon melodion in addition to an Estonian zither, xylophone or a pipe. Fanfán Tulipán proves how catchy music can be when one masters the art of balancing playfulness and musical maturity.

The band was established in 2009 and already the next year won the Metropolitan University Award at a Mladí Ladí Jazz competition, due to what they could record their first album Polyorama. The same year they won also the Czech section of an international competition Jazz Prix. Because of their fresh originality Fanfán Tulipán is a looked-for article to be presented at festivals and concerts well over the Czech borders. 


Max Vandervorst

Not only a remarkable musician and composer, but also a unique and unrivalled musical inventor, that is what you would read on Max Vandervorst’s business card. Did you think handlebars cannot be used as a flute and a tin played as a guitar? Well, think twice. For almost thirty years this DIY guy has been fascinating the music scene by his concerts where he plays “musical instruments” – be it chairs, garden can, PET bottles or stones. Vandervorst’s performances are not a mere concert or just about music. It is a play with an unlimited idea that is capable of transforming anything dead and mute into an object of melodies, tunes and rhythms. Especially his “Concerto for Two Bicycles”, “The Paper Orchestra” or “Symphony for Abandoned Objects” were received with a great success. But Max Vandervorst is more than a phenomenon in the field of musical interpretation. Besides being a thematic writer and university lecturer he also leads music workshops all around the world. And you bet it is a marvellous news that Max will lead several of these renowned workshops also in the Czech Republic. These will be organized as part of the Mladi Ladi Detem project both for kindergartens and schools and for general public.

Admission :

Presale ( only): standing up to years 26 - CZK 180, above years 26 - CZK 300.

At the door: standing up to years 26 - CZK 250, above years 26 - CZK 400.

Seating - one price (JAZZ DOCK online only): CZK 400.

No club discounts. Thank you for understanding.

On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.