Mladí Ladí Jazz
David Helbock Trio (AT)
+ support Next Phase

Wednesday 19/04/2017 from 20:00

Next Phase

If not pioneers, than explorers they are. The jazz avant-garde project Next Phase throws itself into unexplored shadow-zones of improvisational and experimental production. They benefit from a total mental openness and unorthodoxy that dodges anything that is conventional. Where other see proverbial hic sunt leones, Next Phase sniffs an opportunity to abandon safe zones of established rules. They excel thanks to a power of musical message and an extension of genre overlaps, rather than due to a stylistic purity.

The Next Phase collective popped up at the jazz scene in 2010, led by a clarinettist, saxophonist, improviser and experimenter Pavel Zlámal. Zlámal moves in an unlimited space of musical interpretation together with a bassist, a drummer and a pianist. After their first EP was released in 2013 they recorded their first album Underneath. To no surprise they are working again on a release of another exploratory album. 

David Helbock Trio

Taking a short break from Prague boulevards, the Austrian piano prodigy is returning to the crime scene of the Mladi Ladi Jazz Festival. David Helbock has been collecting prizes and awards from all around Austria and abroad, including one from the biggest jazz-piano-solo competition of the Montreaux Jazz Festival. In Prague he is about to perform his all fresh and exclusive project, Into the Mystic album, which David recorded in August together with drummer Reinhold Schmölzer and – rather uniquely – a bass ukulele player Raphael Preuschl. You need not go too far to understand what the new album is about. Helbock’s energetic and catchy compositions and improvisations draw their inspiration from a dreamy world of myths. As David Helbock conceded, Star Wars musical themes and melody motives by John Williams were at the forefront of his inspiration. Sensitively mixed patterns of classical music and jazzy grooves is an inviting sure bet to experience a unique dramatic and sensual performance.  

Admission :

Presale ( only): standing up to years 26 - CZK 180, above years 26 - CZK 300.

At the door: standing up to years 26 - CZK 250, above years 26 - CZK 400.

Seating - one price (JAZZ DOCK online only): CZK 450.

No club discounts.Thank you for understanding.

On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.