Kon Sira - Kateřina García / Barbara García / Predrag Duronjić / Luboš Malina / Tomáš Liška

Kon Sira - Kateřina García / Barbara García / Predrag Duronjić / Luboš Malina / Tomáš Liška

Tuesday 27/06/2017 from 22:00

Kon Sira project of sisters García and Predrag Duronjić is focused on characterful interpretation of traditional Sephard diaspora songs. Sephard Jews songs are represent unique song repertoire in which there is conected Hispanic and Jew language and musical heritage with melodics and symbolic character of Balkan. Those songs, which were traditionally interpreted with one voice, are interpreted by Kateřina, Barbara and Predrag multivocally and enriched by not so common accompaniment of multiinstrumentalist Luboš Malina and double bass player Tomáš Liška.

Admission seating CZK 250, standing CZK 180.

Band website: www.konsira.com

worldmusic - folk - alternative
On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.