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JAZZBIT (Mladí ladí jazz):Lammel I Lauer I Bornstein:Molotow Moloch

JAZZBIT (Mladí ladí jazz)
Lammel I Lauer I Bornstein
Molotow Moloch

Wednesday 27/11/2019 from 20:00

Lammel I Lauer I Bornstein

The musicians Andreas Lammel (piano), René Bornstein (bass) and Florian Lauer (drums) became acquainted during their studies at the Dresden University of Music in 2006. Since 2009 the formation Lammel - Lauer - Bornstein exists in its current distinctive lineup. Being aware of traditional jazz handcraft as well as experimenting with modern, candid sounds, Lammel I Lauer I Bornstein create an innovative musical setting in which old patterns are not rejected but specifically disregarded. Hereby, compositions written by Andreas Lammel and René Bornstein create the fundament from which every concert progresses into unforeseen, innovative directions - without getting lost in arbitrariness.


Molotow Moloch

Molotow Moloch Quartet vznikl na podzim roku 2015 v Praze. MMQ je autorská experimentální syntéza různorodých prvků jakékoli hudby, která neodporuje přísnému, leč otevřenému vkusu jeho členů - předem není vyloučeno nic. Za svůj výchozí bod považuje MMQ moderní jazz, z nějž přebírá nejen moderní stylovou estetiku, ale i jeho improvizační a zejména syntetizující charakter.

Molotow Moloch Quartet was founded in autumn 2015 in Prague. Quartet is an auctorial experimental synthesis of the various elements of any music, that doesn’t resist members‘ strict tastes. MMQ considers modern jazz as their musical base from which they take not only modern stylish aesthetics, but also its improvising and synthesizing character.

For eight years already, the concert series “Jazzbit,” sister project to the Mladí Ladí Jazz Festival, has been showcasing the young talents of the Czech and foreign jazz scenes: Oran Etkin (USA), Femi Temowo (UK) or Eggnoise.

Whole evening admission: under 26 - CZK 150, older than 26 - CZK 250. Seating one price: CZK 380. There is no need to reserve a seat when purchasing a seating ticket.

Band website:

young jazz
On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.