The club is closed today due to a private event. Thank you for understanding!

JAZZ OF 4 CONTINENTS: Dan Tepfer & David Dorůžka (USA/CZ)

Dan Tepfer & David Dorůžka (USA/CZ)

Wednesday 23/03/2016 from 19:00

Outstanding American pianist Dan Tepfer renowned on world scene for his brillant technical, inventive and individual performance. Czech top jazz guitar player David Dorůžka has cooperated with many worldwide known names and received awards for his highly rated albums (Hidden Paths, Silently Dawning, Wandering Song or last Apokalypsis). Don´t miss this unique concert of two outstanding musicians that will perform in this duo formation for the first time (p,g). Admission seating CZK 290, standing CZK 190.

Band website:

original music - modern jazz
On-line ticket