Jan Bradáč - Absolventský koncert KJJ

Jan Bradáč - Absolventský koncert KJJ

Friday 03/06/2016 from 19:00

VOŠ of J. Ježek Conservatory violin student graduates within the concert. There will be played music of Franz von Vecsey, Béla Bartók as well as jazz and swing standards performed by Orchestrio (Jan Bradáč violin, Lukáš Holubík doublebass, Tomáš Janoška guitar) and Midnight Coffee Session (Jan Bradáč violin, vocals, Hanka Paculová doublebass, Michal Grombiřík cymbalo, Jožka Klobučník viola and Alžběta Vaculčiaková vocals)

(vln,voc,g,b,dr,cimb). Admission seating CZK 200, standing CZK 150.

Band website: www.janbradac.com

graduation concert
On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.