Festival KHAMORO: Christiano Gitano (DE)

Festival KHAMORO
Christiano Gitano (DE)

Monday 29/05/2017 from 21:00

Christiano Gitano is a young musician coming from a family of German Sinti. He started playing guitar at the age of 7 and very soon he fell in love with two seemingly unrelated music styles – flamenco and gypsy jazz. He mastered these two styles within couple years and later he got an education in classical guitar as well. Currently, together with his band which consists of pianist Winfried Schuld, double bass player Harald Becher and percussionist Uli Krämer, he is presenting to his audience a very special mix of flamenco and gypsy jazz.

The concert is held within the 19th annual World Roma Festival KHAMORO.

Admission - presale CZK 280, at the door CZK 330. 

Band website: www.christianogitano.de

gypsy jazz
On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.