S brejlema nebo bez brejlí -  benefiční koncert pro EDU

S brejlema nebo bez brejlí - benefiční koncert pro EDU

Thursday 21/11/2024 from 19:00

The charity concert “With glasses or without glasses” is happening once again at the Jazz Dock club! The non-profit organization EDA is organizing a charity concert in our club this year, the proceeds of which will be used to support Early Care EDA. EDA provides support, assistance and connections to families with a child to the age of seven with visual or combined disabilities. For EDU and its friends, Ráchel Skleničková, the Kapela Hm. and Adovany will play. At the podium will be the slam poetry master Anatole Svahilec. During the evening, among other things, there will be a chance to win attractive prizes in a raffle!

Whole evening admission – standing only, presale - CZK 500, at the door CZK 750. No club discounts. Thank you for understanding.

Band website: www.eda.cz

charity concert
On-line ticket
The year-round operation of the club is supported by a grant from the City of Prague.