Carpet Cabinet (SK/CZ)

Carpet Cabinet (SK/CZ)

Friday 23/03/2018 from 22:00

Carpet Cabinet is a group that combines funk, house, hip-hop and R&B. Its seven members will more than take care of the uncompromising funk grooves!

Matej Štefík – dr; Robin Hádr – b; Matej Minďaš – g, vocoder; Martin Kryštof – keys; Jen Hovorka – rap, beatbox, vocal; Vojtěch Palisa – as; Petr Smékal – ts; Jan Kozelek – trp.

Admission seating CZK 300, standing CZK 200. 10 % discount for both concerts. Seats reservation is possible only if you buy a ticket. Thank you for understanding.

Band website:

funk - RnB
On-line ticket