Brass Band Rakovník
The group Brass Band Rakovník was formed on 1st May 1990. The group concentrates on orthodox Dixieland, or New Orleans jazz, as played during the twenties and thirties in the home of jazz - New Orleans. The band played hundreds of performances both home and abroad. Taking part in the biggest European Dixieland festivals can be considered the prime of the band’s career. Whereas in 2007 Brass Band Rakovník excelled during the 37th International Dixieland Festival in Dresden, the following year the band was invited to the 15th Worldwide Festival in the Spanish city of Tarragona. Even in further years they kept on successful Europe-wide penetration. It was the International Dixieland festival in Cantanhede (Portugal) and other jazz festivals in Germany, Holland, Denmark, Croatia, Poland and Latvia. In the home country – Czech Republic they regularly play in the final part of greatest Czech festivals in Krizany and Dobrichovice.
Admission for sitting 300 CZK, for standing 200 CZK. It is no longer necessary to reserve a seat when purchasing a seated ticket. To reserve a specific seat, please write your request in the note when purchasing the ticket. Fulfillment of the request cannot be guaranteed.
Band website: